Management Leadership & Staff

Dr. Debbie Gilliard

Dr. Debbie Gilliard
Chair and Professor – Management Department
[email protected]

Position Role: Faculty
Office Location: AD 525H
Office Hours:
Monday  [10:30 to 11:30]
Tuesday  [11:00 to 14:00]
Friday Phone appointments [11:00 to 13:00]

Campus Box Number:78


Debbie has served as Chair of the Management Department since 2008. She has been instrumental in developing international and entrepreneurship curriculum for the College of Business. She loves teaching Strategic Management and International Business and brings energy and practical experience to the classroom. Debbie continually tries to add value to student learning in the classroom and is always trying something new. She is active in the community serving as an MSU representative to the Aurora Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the Aurora Business and Professional Women’s Organization. Debbie is an avid traveler and has been to 58 countries. She loves chocolate and is a supporter of animal rescue. Debbie received the College of Business, Dean’s Special Award “Unsung Hero Scholarly Activity. She received her PhD in Management at Arizona State University.

Jay Rademacher
Admin III
[email protected]

Position Role: Full-Time Staff

Office Location: AD 525J

Campus Box Number: 78


Jay graduated from CU-Boulder with a BA in International Affairs. He worked for AT&T/Lucent/Avaya for 22 years and retired in 2006. Some of his business experience has been as an International Order Service Agent and Export Compliance Manager working in Supply Chain Management in the Telecommunications Industry. Jay joined the Management Dept. in January 2010.

Alice McClendon
CBUS Advisor (Specializing in GBS, INT, ENT and HR degrees)
[email protected]

Position Role: Full-Time Staff

Office Location: AD 205A

Campus Box Number: 78


Hi! I am Alice McClendon. I completed both my undergrad and graduate degrees at the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss). My undergrad degree is in liberal studies and my graduate degree is in Sociology. My family just moved to Colorado in October! I have 2 sons, Finnick (5) and Rowan (3). We love going on adventures and seeing all that Colorado has to offer! For the last year and a half I worked at the University of Memphis as an academic advisor for Fogelman College of Business. I am excited to be here!


Angela Schissler
CBUS Advisor (Specializing in MGT degrees)
[email protected]

Position Role:
Full-Time Staff

Office Location:
AD 210B

Campus Box Number:


Angela joined the Department of Management July 1, 2017. She is a recent Metro graduate. Her role is as an academic advisor.

Management Faculty

Eric Blomfelt

Eric Blomfelt
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 525B

Campus Box Number:

Eric has been practicing law for over 20 years and has had his own law firm for over 10 years. He is a legal expert and has had Colorado Supreme Court ‘victories’. He serves as Executive Director for a national risk retention group and is an Entrepreneur – the owner of a ghost tour company in downtown Denver. Eric is serving as the faculty advisor to the Students of Business organization. Eric received his law degree from the University of Wyoming, Laramie.

Dr. Apryl Brodersen
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 525C

Campus Box Number:

Apryl’s expertise is in assessment and HR management and she brings knowledge from consulting activities to the classroom. She is an engaged and passionate teacher and develops practical assignments for each of her courses. She is also instrumental in student assessment activities, chairing both the Management Department and the College of Business Assurance of Learning Committees. Apryl is a recipient of the College of Business Dean’s award for Excellence in Teaching as well as the Dean's award for Excellence in Service. She holds a PhD in Industrial/Organization Psychology from Colorado State University.

Apryl Rogers-Brodersen

Dr. William J. Carnes
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 525E

Campus Box Number:

Bill has a broad range of business expertise and with his Doctor of Management from Colorado Technical University he is able to capably teach a number of management courses. Bill brings Dr. Seuss into his classroom to explain business concepts -- he "eats green eggs & ham!" Bill is a member of the Undergraduate Research Advisory Council and helped design MSU Denver’s Undergraduate Research event held each spring. He is a Social Entrepreneur with his work for a local non-profit to provide alternative solutions to the foster care system and to help individuals who are victims of human trafficking. Bill has conducted workshops on Appreciative Inquiry for local businesses.

Jacob Cho
Associate Professor
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 530J

Campus Box Number:


Jacob has plenty of academic and industrial experience with manufacturing and service operations from multiple countries. He worked in South Korea's Biotechnology Industry for more than 11 years. Moving to Canada, he studied Business and taught Operations Management and Service Operations Management. Now here in the United States, he teaches Operations Management and Supply Chain Management. He loves teaching and engaging with students. He also has been publishing his research on E-Service Management with topics such as E-Service Classification, E-Services Resources, and E-Service Quality in Academic Journals. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Western Ontario (now Western University).

Jacob Cho - Management
Michele Clark headshot

Michele Clark
Associate Professor
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 530K

Campus Box Number:

Personal Biography Michele M. Clark has been an attorney since 1997, and she draws upon her experience practicing business law and litigation to make her classes come alive. Teaching Philosophy Michele nurtures a keen interest in law in her students who, in turn, inspire Michele to apply and distinguish timeless legal precepts to our most pressing current issues. Research Michele is interested in the topics of electronic privacy and the 4th Amendment, and the creation and enforceability of electronic contracts.

Gina Cook
Associate Professor
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 525F

Campus Box Number:

Dr. Gina Cook has a PhD in International Economic Relations from the University of Economics, Prague in the Czech Republic. She specializes in international business and marketing, and enjoys teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. At MSU Denver, she serves as the Director of International Business Programs, and is actively involved in several committees as well as internationalization efforts at both the college and university levels. Dr. Cook is qualified as a scholarly academic and maintains an active research and publication schedule. She has published in both national and international journals, and is also the author of a chapter in a graduate-level international marketing textbook. Research areas include international business and international marketing fields, with recent emphasis on issues associated with CSR within the luxury segment as well as internationalization opportunities for virtual student mobility.


Dr. Lynn Hoffman
Professor Emeritus

[email protected]

Position Role:
Professor Emeritus

Office Location:
Center for Entrepreneurship

Campus Box Number:

Lynn is an excellent team builder and brings that expertise to the classroom. He developed the Organizational Management and Consulting course that pairs student teams with local companies. He has served on the Board of a local non-profit, provided consulting services to local businesses, and owned a business. With his military and business background, he brings vast experience into the classroom. Lynn is a prolific researcher and is the recipient of the College of Business, Dean’s Excellence in Scholarship award. He has helped numerous students prepare research papers that have been presented at academic conferences. Lynn has been instrumental in developing the entrepreneurship curriculum for the College of Business. He has served in numerous officer positions for the Westminster Rotary Club and is active in the Small Business Institute. Lynn’s PhD is in Industrial Relations/Human Resource Management from the University of Iowa.

Dr. Raj Khandekar
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 530L

Campus Box Number:

Raj’s PhD in Business is from the University of Kansas. However, it is his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering that provides his expertise in technology. He has been invited to serve on a number of IT/Technology task forces at MSU and was one of the first Management faculty to develop an online class in Strategic Management. His calm and focused leadership style has led to his chairmanship of committees and past service as Associate Dean for the College of Business. Raj is a great communicator and source of wisdom which he brings to the classroom and his engagement with students. Raj has been a leader in developing partnerships between MSU and Indian Universities.

Raj Khandekar
Elizabeth McVicker

Dr. Elizabeth R. McVicker
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 525D

Campus Box Number:

Lisa’s expertise in water law has her in great demand to serve on the board of 6 water-related Colorado entities. She serves as a guest speaker, panelist, and media expert for water-related events. She was also instrumental in developing the One World One Water Center and the Water Studies Curriculum. Lisa is a high-energy professor and brings enthusiasm and knowledge to the classroom. Not only has Lisa earned her JD from the University of Denver, she also has a PhD in Spanish Language and Literature from New York University. Her experience as a business owner and attorney allows her to bring a great deal of knowledge to the classroom. She has developed an excellent online version of business law courses and is a support of business students in the Honors program. Lisa is a recipient of the College of Business, Dean’s Overall Faculty Excellence award.

Adam Melnick
Assistant Professor
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 525K

Campus Box Number:

Adam brings his entrepreneurial enthusiasm to MSU along with his passion and talents for teaching, facilitating, coaching and relationship building. He has helped found and grow Conscious Capitalism Colorado, a non-profit dedicated to furthering the conscious business movement across the state, helped to launch Legal Entrepreneurs for Justice, an incubator for lawyer-entrepreneurs who want to bring new approaches to the practice of law; worked at Colorado Lending Source as the in-house Counsel and Senior Entrepreneurship Officer, where he facilitated the Ice House Entrepreneur Development Program; serves as co-chair of the board of Bluestar Recyclers, an electronic recycling company that exists to employ people on the autism spectrum. He was a member of the Department of Management's Advisory council helping establish community relationships prior to his hire at MSU.

Becky Prater

Becky Prater
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 525L

Campus Box Number:

Becky helps people create what is in their hearts to create. She teaches Entrepreneurship at Metropolitan State University in Denver, Colorado as full-time faculty. Through the Center of Entrepreneurship at MSU Denver, she supports students, staff, faculty, alumni and associated community members with business plan writing workshops, mentorship and access to startup funding. Becky's areas of expertise include financial feasibility, the fashion industry, business plan development, strategic life planning and international Entrepreneurship. Before teaching, Becky was a serial Entrepreneur having multiple business in the fashion industry. Most recently, Becky owned an eco-friendly yoga clothing business for twelve years, called Beckons Yoga Clothing, which she sold in 2017. She is a published author of Life Transformed: 6 Steps Beyond Your Imagination. As a companion to the book, she is life transformation coach who specializes in helping people create a strategic life plan.

Maria Alejandra Quijada
Assistant Professor

[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 525M

Campus Box Number:

Maria Alejandra Quijada, M.S., Ph.D, is an assistant professor of Management. She teaches courses on organizational management and women in business. Her passion is to support her students to be better bosses than the ones she had in industry. To accomplish this goal, she infuses her teaching with real world examples and skill building exercises. Her research focuses on the scholarship of teaching and learning. Her areas of expertise include: culture, leadership, mental health and women in business. Her work experience includes: telecommunications, lottery, and consumer products.


Dr. Johann Snyman
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 510K

Campus Box Number:

With his depth of knowledge in the applied strategies of business, Johann Snyman has developed an excellent rapport with the Denver Small Business Development Center. Their clients apply in order to have student groups in his Strategic Management class consult with them, analyze their company and the related business environment, and make recommendations. Growing up in South Africa, moving to the US and obtaining his degree in Business Administration from New Mexico State University Las Cruces have given him a unique perspective about business issues that he brings to the classroom. Johann was instrumental in developing learning objectives and assessment processes for the College of Business and the Management Department in order to meet accrediting criteria.

Christopher Stewart
Associate Professor
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 510J

Campus Box Number:

Christopher W. Stewart, MBA, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Management with MSU Denver's College of Business where he teaches Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management and Strategic Management courses. He maintains his standing as a scholarly academic predominantly through research that is focused on human values and their implications for organizations and industry. Christopher has over 10 years of experience teaching management and leadership courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and he brings 20 years of experience partnering with client organizations on their organizational, team and leadership development initiatives.

Dr. Cynthia L. Sutton
[email protected]

Position Role:

Office Location:
AD 525G

Campus Box Number:


Cindy is passionate about helping students be successful which manifests itself in her empathy and outstanding advising that she provides to students. In the classroom she is continually trying new teaching techniques and assignments to help students better learn and understand course material. Cindy is often called upon to serve on committees, especially those that involve helping students or colleagues. She serves on the Honor’s Executive Council and is currently serving as Interim Honors Director. She has been instrumental in improving the Honor’s program and increasing the number of business students participating in Honors. Cindy is an excellent editor and is often called upon to edit department printed material, academic papers/programs, and faculty papers. Cindy is a recipient of the College of Business Dean’s award for Excellence in Service. She earned her Business Administration (Human Resource Management) PhD from Arizona State University.

Cynthia Sutton